Funding Application Information

Type B Deadline: Check back often early in 2025

The NIDDK Hematology Centers Program is providing a novel support mechanism for researchers to pursue new directions in non-malignant hematology. Applicants do not need to be U.S. citizens or Green card holders but must be from any registered, domestic (U.S.), eligible organization. However, those from institutions not currently part of the NIDDK Hematology Centers Program will be prioritized. Applications from investigators coming from other fields, bringing new perspectives or tools to address questions in nonmalignant hematology are also encouraged to apply.

P&F Type A:  $5,000 – $12,000 worth of core credits to provide equal access to services and expertise offered by any core. Rolling deadlines, abbreviated application forms, and streamlined review by Core Directors all contribute to a rapid and equitable distribution of core credits. Type A support is ideally suited for trainees who want to master a new expertise or acquire a new skill to enhance their competitiveness.  Applications for Type A projects will be accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed on an as needed basis.

Instructions Specific to P&F Type A:  New applications should be uploaded as a single PDF file (11-point Arial font size and 0.5” margins) that must include:

  • Page 1. Title, PI; Abstract (made public if awarded).
  • Page 2.  Description, Significance, Figures and Literature Cited,
  • Page 3.  Core use, Budget, and Justification, (signed by lab PI, if trainee/junior investigator), 1 page

NIH-style Biosketch for applicant only.

Type A projects do not require Institutional sign off by the applicant’s grant and contract office, unless required by the applicant institution’s policies.

Applicants must obtain signed approval for costs and feasibility from the directors of the cores they wish to access.

Project periods are limited to 12 months, and a progress report must be submitted within 120 days of the budget end date.

P&F Type B: $75,000 total award (grant) including F&A.  Use of CCEH Core resources is not required but encouraged.

The primary goal of Type B P&F grants is to support innovative pilot research projects in non-malignant hematology, including the generation of preliminary data for larger research grants. Pilots should involve new scientific directions or the development or application of a novel technology. It is not expected that any preliminary data be provided, but the scientific premise should be supported by literature. Applicants may apply for travel monies (up to $2,500) to train for 3-5 days at a CCEH core that will be utilized in the Type B proposal. These funds are a line item in the $75,000 maximum budget and may only be used to support flight, room and board costs for the investigator. Permission for travel must be approved by the Director of the CCEH core and the U24 Enrichment Chair (

Type B grants will be reviewed by a panel of approximately 10 reviewers, each reading all applications.  Reviewers will provide scores for key review criteria (significance, innovation, approach, feasibility, as well as for new direction/technology and fostering a new collaboration) then rank all applications. Reviewers will briefly describe what drove their ranking. Applications will undergo a second level of review involving the NIDDK and the HCCC. Unsuccessful applicants will be encouraged to discuss the critiques with the scientific contact below.

This program is intended to support pilots that are not appropriate for other grant mechanisms. While applicants of any career stage are eligible, applicants will be required to describe why the project is not appropriate for other grant mechanisms (NIDDK fellowship, career development award, or research project (R) grants). Moreover, trainees, fellows and graduate students will be required to describe how the pilot will support a subsequent grant application and lead to future independence (e.g., how the research direction will differentiate them from their mentor). 

Proposed research should address the NIDDK/Hematology mission to be considered for review. The following link describes the NIDDK hematology mission. NIDDK Hematology Program Directors are available to discuss the mission as well as relevant funding opportunities:

Applications that scientifically overlap with a NIH application that is currently under review will not be reviewed. Questions about these policies should be directed to the scientific contact below.

Instructions Specific to Type B:  New applications should be uploaded as a single PDF file (11-point Arial font size and 0.5” margins). Resubmissions are not permitted; revised applications must be submitted as New. Only complete applications received by the due date will be reviewed.

Use the PHS 398 form including face, abstract (to be made public upon award), detailed budget, biographical and other support pages, and research plan.

Research plan is limited to 4 pages and should include:

  • Snapshot (1 page)
  • Under separate headers answer the following questions:
  • Elevator Pitch: How is the proposed pilot research a new direction in non-malignant hematology? Reference any current or pending Other Support from the PI, collaborators, or mentors, and describe how the pilot is not incremental.
  • Appropriateness of mechanism: How is the proposed research a fit for the Type B P&F grant, AND not a fit for another NIDDK grant mechanism? Investigators eligible for NIDDK fellowships or career development awards are strongly encouraged to apply for those mechanisms. Investigators with substantial preliminary data are strongly encouraged to apply for a research project grant (e.g., R01).
  • Pathway to independence (for applicants without independent faculty positions): How will the proposed pilot research help differentiate the trainee/fellow from their mentor(s)?
  • Specific Aims, Background and Significance (address all review criteria detailed above, 1 page)
  • Research Design and Methods (2 pages)

Pages not counted, but to be included are:

  • Literature Cited
  • Vertebrate Animals and/or Protection of Human Subjects Approval (if applicable)
  • Sharing Plan
  • Budget – Note: Budgets are limited to $75,000 total costs (inclusive of all F&A costs, PHS 398 FP4 and FP5) and will be administered as a subaward. The intent of these awards is to be a steppingstone for junior investigators to generate the data that will allow them to apply for other training or research awards.  Please see the guidelines for F&A (8% for research training awards, Applicants are encouraged to work with their Office of Sponsored Projects to allow training award rates to be used in this award.
  • If in-kind services from a CCEH core are proposed, the total costs for the award should be reduced by the negotiated costs of the in-kind core services.

For any application proposing to use CCEH Cores, applicants must obtain signed approval for costs and feasibility from the directors of the cores they wish to access and include on Budget justification page (CCEH Cores can be found here).

Applications from junior trainees/researchers must include a signed letter of support from their sponsor/PI.

Project periods are limited to 12 months, and a progress report must be submitted within 120 days of the budget end date.

Please upload a single PDF of your application using the “Submit Application Here”, at the end of the Funding Opportunities section (below).

For questions about application submission and receipt, please contact Derek Stirewalt:

For scientific questions, please contact Shilpa Hattangadi:

Additional Requirements

If an award is made, the submitted Abstract will be made public on the website, along with the Project Title, PI Name(s), Institution, and award type.

Each publication, press release, or other document about research supported by an NIH award must include an acknowledgment of NIH award support and a disclaimer such as “Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number U24DK126127. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.” Awardees are also encouraged to refer to the “NIDDK Cooperative Centers of Excellence in Hematology Pilot &Feasibility Award” on their Biosketch and Other Support documents.

Awardees are expected to submit a final progress report within 120 days of the budget end date. The U24-funded HCCC may include this report, in part or in full, with its Annual Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) to the NIH.

The HCCC may contact the PI of awards to review long-term outcomes. Awardees will be invited to present results at the annual NIDDK Hematology Centers Program Steering Committee meeting.

If not used in publications or grant submissions, data should be represented in Synapse or another relevant data repository as negative results.

Application Process for Type A or Type B P&F Proposals

1.  Check guidelines for eligibility
a. Priority will be given to Junior Investigators and Postdocs.
b. Established Investigators starting a new line of Research in nonmalignant hematology – cannot be focused on currently funded project.

2.  Determine the type of grant you wish to apply for.
a. Type A  – Core Usage Funds Only (C-UFO) up to $12,000 (no F&A, funds made available only at Core proposed).
b. Type B – New Pilot Proposal (HCCC-P&F) up to $75,000 including recommended F&A (Use PHS 398 forms as detailed).

3.  Contact the core director(s) of the core you will be using to initiate guidance on feasibility and costs associated with core use.

4.  Write and submit proposals as a single PDF using the detailed guidelines on length and inclusions on the FUNDING link (“red” Submit box) prior to final due date and time.

No applications will be accepted after 5pm MST on the due date.

Submit Application Here

The CCEH program supports pilot and feasibility program grants funding small projects aimed at generating preliminary data for inclusion in larger grant applications. The grants will be awarded competitively and are designed to support collaborative research projects that utilize core resources at one of the five CCEH centers.

Please refer to the guidelines for writing and formatting applications (above) before submitting. Applications can be uploaded using the form to the right. You will receive rapid acknowledgement of receipt of your application via email. If you do not receive acknowledgement, please confirm the correct email address is provided and resubmit prior to the deadline. Please reach out to Lori Blake prior to the deadline to confirm that your application has been received for assistance prior to the deadline.

No applications will be accepted after the due date.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Publications Associated with P&F Funding

Current or Past Recipients

Current P&F Projects

Title PI, Key Personnel, Mentor, etc. Investigator Institutions Center/Core(s) to Be Used At Center/Core Institutions Award Type Award Year
Training a machine learning model to identify long-term engrafting HSCs Helong Gary Zhao, PhD Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Hematopoietic Cell Procurement and Processing Core Fred Hutch Type A 2024
Investigating Long-Term Genome Editing Safety in Hematopoietic Stem Cells YoonA Kang, PhD Washington University School of Medicine Fred Hutchinson CCEH Cell Procurement and Processing Core   Type B 2024
Uncovering RNA isoform diversity and functionality in hematopoietic cell-fate determination Stanley Lee, PhD Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center None Fred Hutchinson CCEH Type B 2024
Dissecting microenvironmental metabolic contributions to erythropoiesis Marlies P Rossmann, PhD University of Rochester Cincinnati CCEH Single Cell Characterization and Procurement Core   Type B 2024
Investigating Long-Term Genome Editing Safety in Hematopoietic Stem Cells Phillip A Doerfler, PhD Versiti Blood Research Institute Cell Procurement and Processing Fred Hutchinson CCEH Type A 2024
Minimal manipulation of HPSCs and novel viral vectors for faster, efficient transduction of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells Rachel Bakyayita Kyeyune, MBChB, PhD Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Cell Procurement and Processing Fred Hutchinson CCEH Fred Hutchinson CCEH Type A 2024
Changes in the bone marrow microenvironment in cystic fibrosis Emanuela Bruscia, PhD Yale Medical School Flow and Tissue Cytometry Core Indiana Univ CCEH Yale CCEH Type A 2024
Critical Role of a SNP in the SENP1 gene regulation and excessive erythrocytosis at high altitude Dr. Priti Azad Univ. California San Diego Yale Prep and Analysis Core None Type A 2024
The function of neutrophilic granule protein in hematopoietic development Kostandin V. Pajcini PhD. Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago. Indiana University School of Medicine Cincinnati Transgenic Animal and Genome Editing Core None Type A 2024
Gene Expression Profiling to Predict Hematopoietic Cell Potency in Transplantation James Ropa, PhD Indiana University School of Medicine IU-CCEH Flow Cytometry and Cincinnati Children’s CCEH DNA Sequencing Cores Indiana CCEH Type B 2024
Investigation of selective autophagy receptor optineurin in erythropoiesis. Massiel Chavez Stolla, PhD University of Washington School of Medicine None Fred Hutchinson CCEH Type B 2024
Improving hematopoietic stem cell quantification in a sickle cell disease contextn Kim Vanuytsel, PhD Boston Medical Center Yale CCEH Primary Cells CD34+ Core None Type B 2024
Metabolic determinants of MEP fate specification Rubia Mancuso, PhD Yale Medical School Yale CCEH Utah Metabolomics Core Type A 2024
Metabolic Changes in Erythroblasts from Iron-Regulatory Protein 2 Phosphorylation Mutant Mice Elizabeth A. Leibold, PhD University of Utah, Department Internal Medicine, Hematology Division and Molecular Medicine Program Metabolomics Utah CCEH Type A 2024
Using a Novel CODEX Antibody Panel for Spatial Cellular Proteomics of the Bone Hematopoietic and Vascular Niches under Systemic Thrombopoietin Treatment Patrick Mulcrone, PhD Indiana University School of Medicine Flow and Tissue Cytometry Core Indiana CCEH Type A 2023
Interactions between heme export and choline import via FLVCR1 Janis L Abkowitz, MD University of Washington Metabolomics University of Utah Type A 2023
Investigating aging-related changes in the bone marrow matrix and hematopoietic stem cell niche using multiplexed spatial-resolution imaging Milos Marinkovic, Ph.D University of Texas Health – San Antonio Flow and Tissue Cytometry University of Utah Type A 2023
Engineering degron system in human CD34+ cells to study dosage effects of endogenous transcription factors Charles Antony, PhD Mentor Vikram Paralkar Perelman School of Medicine Yale CCEH Yale Cell Preparation and Analysis Core Type B 2023
Transcriptional Mechanisms that Accelerate Red Blood Cell Production in Anemia Kyle Hewitt, PhD University of Nebraska School of Medicine Cell Production CD34+ Core Fred Hutchinson CCEH Type B 2023
Intrinsic regulation of erythropoiesis by the cholesterol synthesis pathway Christina Termini, Ph.D. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Fred Hutchinson Vector Core Fred Hutchinson CCEH Type B 2023
Multiplex imaging of the regenerating bone marrow microenvironment Christina Termini, Ph.D. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center CODEX Imaging Core Indiana Indiana University Medical School Type A 2023
Understanding the exosomal communication of bone marrow stromal cells with hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells Reza Shahbazi, Ph.D. Indiana University Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center Cell preparation and Analysis Fred Hutchinson Type A 2023
HMGA1 in Cardiovascular Disease Associated with TET2 Mutant Clonal Hematopoiesis Zanshé Thompson, PhD Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Cell preparation and Analysis Yale University Type A 2023
The function of ANKRD26 and its role in megakaryopoiesis Liang Zheng, PhD Yale University Cell Preparation and Analysis Yale University Type B 2023
Lipid perturbations in the red blood cell due to hypoxia, sickle cell disease and malaria infection Radoslaw Omelianczyk, PhD University of Utah Metabolomics University of Utah Type B 2023
Developing an AAV-based gene editing tool to model aberrant RNA splicing in hematopoiesis Sayantani Sinha, PhD Fred Hutchinson/University of Washington Vector Production Fred Hutchinson Type A 2023
C-FiSHH — a CRISPR-based Functional in vivo Screen of Human Hematopoiesis Emily Collins, PhD Fred Hutchinson Vector Production Fred Hutchinson Type B 2023
Surprising activity of a small molecule compound on myeloid progenitors Shangqin Guo, PhD Yale University Metabolomics University of Utah Type A 2023
Driving myeloid progenitor expansion with small molecules Stephen Maxwell Scalf, PhD Yale University Flow Cytometry, Cell Preparation and Analysis Yale University Type B 2022
Targeting fatty acid oxidation to expand hematopoietic stem cells Peter S Klein, MD, PhD University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Cell Procurement and Resource Development Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Type B 2022
Adapting multiplexed high-resolution imaging to investigate the hematopoietic niche of bone marrow Sonali J. Karnik, PhD Indiana University School of Medicine Flow and Tissue Cytometry (FTCC) Indiana University School of Medicine Type A 2022
Iron-Regulatory Protein 2 Phosphorylation Regulation of Erythropoiesis Elizabeth A Leibold, PhD University of Utah School of Medicine Iron and Heme Core Utah CIHD University of Utah Type A 2022
Investigation of RBM15 and the m6A epitranscriptome in megakryopoiesis Madeline Mayday, BS Yale School of Medicine N/A Yale University Type B 2022
TERT Splice Variants and Myelopoiesis in Diabetic CD34+ cells Yagna Prasada Rao Jarajapu, PhD North Dakota State University Experimental Mouse Model Indiana University Type B 2022
Novel mechanisms of action of HFE in hepcidin an diron homeostasis regulation Xia Xiao, PhD Harvard Medical School Bioinformatics Cincinnati Children’s Type B 2022
Fine-Tuning of Hemoglobinization Through Heme Import by Erythrocytic HRG1 Audrey Belot, PhD University of Maryland Iron and Heme University of Utah Type B 2022
Project TitlePIInvestigator InstitutionCore UtilizedCCEH CenterAward TypeYearhf:tax:cceh-centerhf:tax:pf-project-year
Investigating metabolite-driven regulation of calreticulinNicole ArellanoUniversity of UtahProtein-Metabolite Discovery CoreType A2025utah2025
Training a machine learning model to identify long-term engrafting HSCsHelong Gary Zhao, PhDFred Hutchinson Cancer CenterHematopoietic Cell Procurement and Processing CoreType A2024fred-hutch2024
Fine-Tuning of Hemoglobinization Through Heme Import by Erythrocytic HRG1Audrey Belot, PhDUniversity of MarylandIron and Heme CoreType B2022utah2022
Novel mechanisms of action of HFE in hepcidin and iron homeostasis regulationXia Xiao, PhDMass General Hospital/Harvard Medical SchoolBioinformatics CoreType B2022cincinnati2022
TERT Splice Variants and Myelopoiesis in Diabetic CD34+ cellsYagna Prasada Rao Jarajapu, PhDNorth Dakota State UniversityIU-CCEH Experimental mouse model coreType B2022indiana2022
Investigation of RBM15 and the m6A epitranscriptome in megakaryopoiesisMadeline Mayday, BSYale School of MedicineNoneType B2022yale2022
Iron-Regulatory Protein 2 Phosphorylation Regulation of ErythropoiesisElizabeth Leibold, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineUtah Iron and Heme CoreType A2022utah2022
Adapting multiplexed high-resolution imaging to investigate the hematopoietic niche of bone marrowSonali J. Karnik, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineFlow and Tissue Cytometry Core (FTCC) of the IU-CCEH Type A2022indiana2022
Targeting fatty acid oxidation to expand hematopoietic stem cellsPeter S Klein, MD, PhDUniversity of Pennsylvania School of MedicineCell Procurement and Resource Development Core Fred Hutchinson CCEHType B20222022
Driving myeloid progenitor expansion with small moleculesStephen Maxwell Scalf, PhDYale School of MedicineFlow Cytometry Core and Yale CCEH Cell Preparation and Analysis CoreType B2022yale2022
Surprising activity of a small molecule compound on myeloid progenitorsShangqin Guo, PhDYale School of MedicineUtah MetabolomicsType A2023yale2023
HMGA1 in Cardiovascular Disease Associated with TET2 Mutant Clonal HematopoiesisZanshé Thompson, PhD Johns Hopkins School of MedicineYale Cell preparation and AnalysisType A20232023
Understanding the exosomal communication of bone marrow stromal cells with hematopoietic stem and progenitor cellsReza Shahbazi, PhD Indiana University Simon Comprehensive Cancer CenterFred Hutchinson Cell Preparation and AnalysisType A2023indiana2023
Developing an AAV-based gene editing tool to model aberrant RNA splicing in hematopoiesisSayantani Shinha, PhDFred Hutchinson/University of WashingtonVector Production CoreType A2023fred-hutch2023
C-FiSHH – a CRISPR-based Functional in vivo Screen of Human HematopoiesisEmily Collins, PhDFred Hutchinson Cancer CenterFred Hutchinson Vector CoreType B2023fred-hutch2023
Lipid perturbations in the red blood cell due to hypoxia, sickle cell disease and malaria infectionRadoslaw Omelianczyk, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineMetabolomics CoreType B2023utah2023
The function of ANKRD26 and its role in megakaryopoiesisLiang Zheng, PhDUniversity of Kansas Medical CenterYale Cell Preparation and Analysis CoreType B2023yale2023
Multiplex imaging of the regenerating bone marrow microenvironmentChristina Termini, PhDFred Hutchinson Cancer CenterCODEX Imaging Core IndianaType A2023fred-hutch2023
Using a Novel CODEX Antibody Panel for Spatial Cellular Proteomics of the Bone Hematopoietic and Vascular Niches under Systemic Thrombopoietin TreatmentPatrick L. Mulcrone, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineFlow and Tissue Cytometry Core CODEX Indiana UniversityType A2023indiana2023
Interactions between heme export and choline import via FLVCR1Janis Abkowitz, MDUniversity of WashingtonMetabolomics Core Utah CCEH, Iron and Heme Core Utah CCEHType A2023utah2023
Investigating aging-related changes in the bone marrow matrix and hematopoietic stem cell niche using multiplexed spatial-resolution imagingMilos Marinkovic, PhDUniversity of Texas Health – San AntonioFlow and Tissue Cytometry Core CODEX Indiana UniversityType A20232023
Intrinsic regulation of erythropoiesis by the cholesterol synthesis pathwayChristina Termini, PhDFred Hutchinson Cancer CenterFred Hutchinson Vector CoreType B2023fred-hutch2023
Transcriptional Mechanisms that Accelerate Red Blood Cell Production in AnemiaKyle Hewitt, PhDUniversity of Nebraska School of MedicineFred Hutchinson CCEH Cell Production CD34+ CoreType B20232023
Metabolic Changes in Erythroblasts from Iron-Regulatory Protein 2 Phosphorylation Mutant MiceElizabeth A. Leibold, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineUtah Metabolomics CoreType A20242024
Metabolic determinants of MEP fate specificationRubia Isler Mancuso, PhDYaleUtah Metabolomics CoreType A2024yale2024
Improving hematopoietic stem cell quantification in a sickle cell disease contextKim Vanuytsel, PhDBoston Medical CenterYale CCEH Primary Cells CD34+ CoreType B20242024
Investigation of selective autophagy receptor optineurin in erythropoiesisMassiel Chavez Stolla, PhDUniversity of Washington School of MedicineType B2024fred-hutch2024
Gene Expression Profiling to Predict Hematopoietic Cell Potency in TransplantationJames Ropa, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineIU-CCEH Flow Cytometry and Cincinnati Children’s CCEH DNA Sequencing CoresType B2024indiana2024
The function of neutrophilic granule protein in hematopoietic developmentKostadin Pajcini, PhDUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoCincinnati Transgenic Animal and Genome Editing CoreType A20242024
Critical Role of a SNP in the SENP1 gene regulation and excessive erythrocytosis at high altitude Priti Azad, Ph.D.University of San DiegoYale Cell Procurement CoreType A2024yale2024
Investigating Long-Term Genome Editing Safety in Hematopoietic Stem CellsPhillip A Doerfler, PhDVersiti Blood Research InstituteFred Hutchinson Cell Procurement CoreType A20242024
Minimal manipulation of HPSCs and novel viral vectors for faster, efficient transduction of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cellsRachel Bakyayita Kyeyune, MBChB, PhDFred Hutchinson Cancer CenterFred Hutchinson Cell Procurement and ProcessingType A2024fred-hutch2024
Changes in the bone marrow microenvironment in cystic fibrosisEmanuela Bruscia, PhDYale University School of MedicineIndiana CODEX Imaging CoreType A2024indiana2024
Dissecting microenvironmental metabolic contributions to erythropoiesisMarlies P Rossman, PhDUniversity of RochesterCincinnati CCEH Single Cell Characterization and Procurement CoreType B20242024
UPLC Analysis of Porphyrin Biochemistry in a Planarian Model of Acute PorphyriasJason Pellettieri, PhDBoston Children’s HospitalIron and Heme Core UtahType A2022utah2022
Engineering degron system in human CD34+ cells to study dosage effects of endogenous transcription factorsCharles Antony, PhDPerelman School of MedicineYale Cell Preparation and Analysis CoreType B20232023
Uncovering RNA isoform diversity and functionality in hematopoietic cell-fate determinationStanley Lee, PhDFred Hutchinson Cancer CenterNoneType B2024fred-hutch2024
Regulation of hematopoietic stem cell quiescence by a proteoglycan proteinYoonA Kang, PhDWashington University School of MedicineFred Hutchinson CCEH Cell Procurement and Processing CoreType B20242024