NIDDK Resources 2020Cindy RoyNIDDKLink2020
Mouse HematopoiesisUnraveling the effects of prenatal inflammation on developmental hematopoiesisAnna Beaudin, PhD*University of Utah School of MedicineLink2022
Mouse HematopoiesisLineages, clones and function in the hematopoietic systemFernando Camargo, PhDHarvard/Boston ChildrensLink2021
Mouse HematopoiesisFunctional screens in hematopoiesisJun Lu, PhD*Yale School of MedicineLink2021
Mouse HematopoiesisThe single cell characterization and procurement core at CCHMC: a 3D view of the hematopoietic systemMarie-Dominique Filippi, PhDCincinnati Childrens HospitalLink2021
Xenotransplantation Humanized MouseHumanized Mouse Models for the Study of Hematopoiesis in Health and DiseaseStephanie Halene, MD, PhDYale School of MedicineLink2022
Erythroblastic IslandThe role of EKLF/KLF1 in the erythroblastic island niche during mouse developmentJames Bieker, PhDMount Sinai School of MedicineLink2023
Stress-stem cellsHematopoietic stem cell differentiation under stressDaisuke Nakada, PhDBaylor College of MedicineLink2023
RegenerationPolarity dependent mechanisms of hematopoietic regenerationJose Cancelas Perez, MD, PhDCincinnati Childrens HospitalLink2021
Mouse HematopoiesisImmune developmentAnna Beaudin, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2020
Human ErythropoiesisNormal and Disordered Human ErythropoiesisMohandas Narla, MDNew York Blood CenterLink2022
Human HematopoiesisWhat human genetic variation can teach us about hematopoiesisVijay Sankaran, MD, PhDHarvard/Boston ChildrensLink2022
Sickle CellMacrophage metabolic rewiring improves heme-suppressed efferocytosis and tissue damage in sickle cell diseaseFrancesca Vinchi, PhD*New York Blood CenterLink2023
Erythroid MetabolomicsMetabolomics of the erythrocyteJames Cox, PhD.University of Utah School of MedicineLink
HemoglobinopathiesHemoglobinopathies, challenges and therapeutic approachesStefano Rivella, PhDChildrens Hospital of PhiladelphiaLink2022
Congenital SideroblasticCongenital sideroblastic anemia: iron and heme lost in (mitochondrial translation)Mark D Fleming, MD, DphilBoston Children’s HospitalLink2021
Transcriptional regulationCis-regulatory clues reveal new mechanism promoting cellular regeneration in anemiaKyle Hewitt, PhD*University of Nebraska Medical CenterLink2023
Canine HematopoiesisCanine models for hemtopoietic disease and transplantationBrian Hayes, PhDFred Hutchinson Cancer Research CenterLink2023
Mouse HematopoiesisMyeloid lineage specification mechanisms at the top of the hematopoiesis Hierarchy Yoona KangYoona KangWashington University in St. LouisLink2024
Mouse HematopoiesisTranscriptional regulation of mesodermal lineage canalizationDean TantinUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2024
* CCEH Funded
Iron Metabolism
Fe-S clustersBiogenesis of iron-sulfur proteins in eukaryotes: mitochondria, mitosomes, mechanisms and maladiesRoland Lill, PhDUniversity of MarburgLink2022
Iron homeostasisThe role of prodomains in regulating BMP2, BMP6 and Bmp2/6 ligand activity to maintain iron homeostasisJan Christian, PhD*University of Utah School of MedicineLink2021
Iron homeostasisNew insights into hepcidin regulation and systemic iron homeostasisJodie Babitt, MD*Harvard/Mass General HospLink2022
Ion ChannelA role of mechanosensitive ion channel PIEZO1 in iron metabolismShang Ma, PhDScripps InstituteLink2021
ZIP14ZIP14 (SLC39A14) as a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of iron overloadMitch Knutson, PhDUniversity of FloridaLink2021
Macrophages in adipose tissueMacrophages as ferrostats in adipose tissueAlyssa Hasty, PhDVanderbilt UniversityLink2021
Lysosomes and IronUnderstanding how cells cope with lysosome-mediated iron deficiencyAdam Hughes, PhD*University of Utah School of MedicineLink2022
Iron deficiency COPDIron deficiency in the alveolar epithelium: implications for chronic respiratory diseaseSuzanne Cloonan, PhDTrinity CollegeLink2022
Parasite Iron homeostasisFifty shades of iron: adaptive organelle metabolism in malaria parasitesPaul Sigala, PhD*University of Utah School of MedicineLink2022
Metabolic insightsMetabolic insights into iron homeostasisYatrik Shah, PhDUniversity of MichiganLink2023
Fe-S biogenesis in ParasitesDivergent Acyl carrier protein mediates mitochondrial Fe-S cluster biosynthesis in malaria parasitesSeyi Falekun, graduate studentUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2021
Cytosolic Iron ChaperoneMischief Managed: chaperoning iron in the cytosolCaroline Philpott, MDNIDDK, Genetics and Metabolism SectionLink2020
Kidney IronIron, Cystitis, PyelonephritisJonathan Barasch, MDColumbia UniversityLink2020
ErythroferroneErythropoiesis regulates hepcidinTomas Ganz, MDUCLALink2020
DiabetesDiabetes and iron: Can’t live with it, can’t live without itDon McClain, MD, PhDWake Forest UniversityLink2020
Pregnancy and IronIron pathobiology in pregnancyElla Nemeth, PhDUCLALink2020
Mouse HematopoiesisRole of iron sulfur proteins in mammalian cells and viral infectionsTracey RouaultNICHD, NIHLink2024
* CCEH Funded
Heme metabolism
PorphyriaMurine models for studies of porphyrias and hepatic heme homeostatic mechanismsMakiko Yasuda, MD, PhD*Mount Sinai School of Medicine2022
Erythroid protoporphyriaFactors modifying the severity of erythroid protoporphyriaSarah Ducamp, PhD*Boston Children’s HospitalLink2022
Iron and HemeIron and Heme core updateHector Bergonia, MSUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2021
Heme traffickingIlluminating heme trafficking and signaling in health and diseaseAmit Reddi, PhD*Georgia TechLink2022
Heme biosynthesisHeme biosynthesis and distribution: complexity and intersectionsAmy Medlock, PhD*University of GeorgiaLink2022
Iron and Heme CoreIron and Heme Core facilitates research into heme biosynthesis and iron metabolismLaurie Jackson, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2021
Iron and Heme CoreIron and Heme Core facilitates research into heme biosynthesis and iron metabolismLaurie Jackson, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2020
Mitochondrial hemeRegulation of mitochondrial heme metabolism in erythroid cellsYvette Yien, PhDUniversity of Delaware/PittsburgLink2021
Heme TraffickingHeme trafficking, use and toxicity during red cell differentiationJan Abkowitz, MDUniversity of WashingtonLink2021
Heme traffickingIdentification of an intracellular heme trafficking proteinCaiyong Chen, PhDZhejiang UniversityLink2023
* CCEH Funded
CRISPR in miceAdvanced services for the rapid and precise generation of genetically modified mice using CRISPR technologyCrystal Davey, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2023
Mutation Generation DetectionMutation Generation and Detection Core ServicesCrystal Davey, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2020
Foundations of MicroscopyOptical foundations of taking high quality images with your microscopeJoerg Bewersdorf, PhDYale School of MedicineLink2022
Intravital MicroscopyIntravital MicroscopyKenn Dunn, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineLink2022
Confocal MicroscopyIntroduction to Confocal MicroscopyJoerg Bewersdorf, PhDYale School of MedicineLink2022
CODEX MicroscopyCODEX multiplexed tissue cytometryKenn Dunn, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineLink
Super Resolution MicroscopySuper-resolution microscopy and its biomedical applicationJoerg Bewersdorf, PhDYale School of MedicineLink2022
Cell Cycle MicroscopyReading live cell cycle speed by fluorescence microscopyShangqin Guo, PhD*Yale School of MedicineLink2022
Imaging – HematopoiesisApplying Codex technology for the examination of architectural relationships in the hematopoietic nicheEdward Srour, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineLink2021
3D Visualization – ImarisAn introduction into 3D visualization with Imaris software packageMarie-Dominique Filippi, PhDCincinnati Childrens HospitalLink2023
Long term imagingLong term live cell imagingShangqin Guo, PhD*Yale School of MedicineLink2023
Vanessa Scanlon, PhDUConn Health School of Dental Medicine
Light Sheet MicroscopyLight Sheet microscopyKenn Dunn, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineLink2023
Bone marrow imagingBone marrow imagine and hematopoietic cell mappingDaniel Lucas, PhDCincinnati Childrens HospitalLink2023
* CCEH Funded
Flow Cytometry
BasicsFlow cytometry basics and applicationsPratibha Singh, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineLink2023
Panel DesignThe art of Flow cytometry panel design and compensationPratibha Singh, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineLink2023
Sample PrepFlow cytometry sample preparation and stainingPratibha Singh, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineLink2023
Flow in HematologyMultiparameter Flow Cytometry in hematology and immunologyAnnie Song, PhDCincinnati Childrens HospitalLink2023
Acquisition and AnalysisFlow cytometry sample acquisition and data analysisPratibha Singh, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineLink2023
Flow staining and sortingEnriching Rare Populations of Human CD34 Cells by FACSVanessa Scanlon, PhDUconn/Yale School of MedicineLink2023
Protein Metabolite InteractionsMIDAS core updateKevin Hicks, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2021
MetabolomicsMetabolomics core updateJames Cox, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2021
Protein Metabolite UpdatesTechnological innovations of the protein-metabolite discovery core: membrane protein targeting and endogenous metabolome screeningKevin Hicks, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2023
MetabolomicsMetabolomics at the University of UtahJames Cox, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2022
LipidomicsLipidomics at the University of UtahJames Cox, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2022
MetabolomicsMetabolomics for the Nonmalignant Hematology ResearcherJames Cox, PhDUniversity of Utah School of MedicineLink2024
Data analysis
Large Data set analysisToppCell: A versatile data portal for exploring single cell datasets and the genomic biology of cells and tissuesBruce Aronow, PhDCincinnati Childrens HospitalLink2021
Enrichment EducationEnriching the futureBeverly Torok-Storb, PhDFred Hutchinson Cancer Research CenterLink2022
Honoring Hal BroxmeyerHonoring Hal Broxmeyer: His past, present and future contributions to the field of experimental hematologyMaegan Capitano, PhDIndiana University School of MedicineLink2022
Giants in IronUtah CIHD Interviews with giants in ironHarry DaileyUniversity of GeorgiaLink2024
Giants in IronUtah CIHD Interviews with giants in ironNancy AndrewsBoston Children’s HospitalLink2024
Giants in IronUtah CIHD Interviews with giants in ironRoland LillUniversity of MarburgLink2024
Giants in IronUtah CIHD Interviews with giants in ironJerry KaplanUniversity of UtahLink2024
Giants in IronUtah CIHD Interviews with giants in ironTom GanzUniversity of California, Los AngelesLink2024
Single Cell Data Analysis
Part 1Analysis and Interpretation of single cells sequencing data – part 1 Introduction and alignmentToma Tebaldi PhDYale School of MedicineLink
Part 2Analysis and Interpretation of single cells sequencing data – part 2Toma Tebaldi PhDYale School of MedicineLink
Part 3Analysis and Interpretation of single cells sequencing data – part 3 Key Analysis StepsToma Tebaldi PhDYale School of MedicineLink
Part 4Analysis and Interpretation of single cells sequencing data – part 4 Multiple Test CorrectionToma Tebaldi PhDYale School of MedicineLink