Center for Iron & Heme Disorders at The University of Utah School of Medicine
Putting the Heme in Hematology

Our center supports four cores:

  • The Iron & Heme Core measures the activity of enzymes that synthesize heme and heme precursor molecules and determines transition metal levels in biologic samples.
  • The Protein Metabolite Interaction Core uses a unique system to find metabolites that bind to your protein of interest and identifies how these small molecules activate, stabilize or repress your protein’s activity.
  • The Metabolomics/Lipidomics Core identifies metabolic changes in the basic building blocks of cells, molecules necessary in the bioenergetics of cells and lipids that are both functional and structural.
  • The Enrichment Core provides training programs at each of the cores and organizes seminars to educate the expert to the novice in up and coming areas of hematology.


  • Iron and Heme Core Facility
    Iron and Heme Core Facility
    The Iron & Heme Core measures the activity of enzymes that synthesize heme and heme precursor molecules and determines transition metal levels in biologic samples.

  • Metabolomics Core Facility
    Metabolomics Core Facility
    The University of Utah Metabolomics Core uses mass spectrometry as a platform to provide high-quality metabolomics data for the University of Utah researchers, academic collaborators, and commercial applications.

  • Mutation Generation & Detection
    Mutation Generation & Detection
    The Mutation Generation & Detection (MGD) Core Facility supports researchers by securing, developing, and optimizing the latest DNA nuclease technologies, reagents, and protocols for targeted genome modification.

  • Protein-Metabolite Discovery Core
    Protein-Metabolite Discovery Core
    The Protein-Metabolite Discovery Core provides academic investigators unique protein-metabolite interactome services to identify, validate, and interpret small molecule metabolite interactions with their target proteins.

  • Utah CIHD Enrichment Core
    Enrichment Core
    The Enrichment Core provides training programs at each of the cores and organizes seminars to educate the expert to the novice in up and coming areas of hematology.


Iron and Heme
Metabolomics Core Protocols
Mutation Generation and Detection Core Protocols