3rd Translational Research Conference: Erythropoiesis Control and Ineffective Erythropoiesis: from bench to bedside


General News

The conference on Erythropoiesis control and Ineffective Erythropoiesis, which will held in Paris in March 3rd-5th 2023 aims at providing an education program on basic science related to normal and pathological erythropoiesis and megakaryopoiesis giving opportunities to share experiences in clinical practice. Erythropoiesis is a continuous process leading to the daily production of 1011 red cells. The bone marrow microenvironment supports and educates the hematopoietic progenitors. Recent advances deeply increase our understanding of erythropoiesis control and its deregulation in pathological conditions thanks to the studies of chromatin organization and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms occurring during erythroid cell differentiation. Ineffective erythropoiesis relies on various mechanisms that may combine in some diseases or demonstrate specificities supporting particular phenotypes and opening the avenue for targeted therapies. Identifying the causes of treatment resistance and following the dynamics of erythroid response will provide valuable information to improve patients care through the design of innovative clinical trials.

Publication: 2022-09-28