Cincinnati Center of Excellence in Molecular Hematology
Understanding hematopoiesis towards new treatments one cell at a time.
The Cincinnati CCEH uses interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to bring together outstanding basic and translational research expertise in stem cell biology, virus vector technology, immunohematology, genomics, and hematopoiesis. Our research cores include:
- The Xenotransplant and Genome Editing Core maintains specialized mouse strains and provides mouse transplant and transgenic services.
- The Single Cell Characterization and Procurement Core supports state-of-the-art imaging as well as single cell capture and gene expression analyses.
- The Gene Delivery Core covers services such as ex vivo manipulation of blood cells by lentivirus and retrovirus transduction.
- The Enrichment Core provides a comprehensive training and mentoring program that stimulates promising young investigators toward a research career in hematology.